How to travel

How to travel 881 400 Sarity Gervais

This blog is about how to travel and it allows me to dig deep and find a new way of thinking. It’s a way to get excited about new perspectives. Sometimes we get so stuck in the day-to-day activities and routines of our lives that we don’t have time to reflect and appreciate the world around us. Travel allows me to get out of my small mindedness and expand my consciousness into something greater than myself. This exciting journey has happened many times on a Kosherica Kosher cruise. The moment I call a Kosherica agent and decide to book my cruise is the moment I start seeing the world differently. All of a sudden, I have a thrill of excitement and anticipation about all the incredible new things that I’m about to see. All of a sudden, mundane tasks like going food shopping become exciting because I can see different culinary recipes that I want to create before my trip so I can get acclimated to the environment that I’m about to go
to. All of a sudden, when I go shopping, I start paying attention to items that I may purchase from different destinations. I start thinking about fashion, books and even
colors differently. I just become excited! One of the first things that I do on my self-reflection journey before my travels is question what I hope to gain as an individual. Is it to expand my culinary palette by tasting new Kosher cuisine from different countries? On the last Kosherica cruise I was able to taste incredible food like chicken adobo from the Philippines, chicken tikka masala from India, incredible Japanese sushi rolls and scrumptious Italian pasta dishes. Every night was also filled with high end fine gourmet cuts of meat, delicate fish, intriguing appetizers and soups made by top chefs. However, Kosherica always encourages us to taste new foods in addition to the standard.

In addition to food exploration do I want to learn a new cultural literacy? Am I learning about new people that I never knew about before? This summer I’m going with Kosherica on the Greatest Capitals Kosher cruise to Iceland and Norway. I’ve never been there before. I’m not sure what it’s like to swim in volcanic water. What is it like to see huge fjords? On the same tour we’re going to incredible destinations such as Ireland, Scotland, France Norway and England. I heard Ireland is one of the most gorgeous places in the world. It’s filled with incredible green countryside. The people there are incredibly literate and create some of the most memorable plays and books in the secular world. I know Scotland has magical castles and incredible countrysides. I am so excited about England and London and exploring all of the culture that is surrounded in that area. These are some of the greatest countries in Europe and we are stopping in all the capitals! I’m also really excited about the fact that many of these stops will have Jewish interest excursions. It would be amazing to not only see the Eiffel Tower in Paris but the tremendous Jewish community that lives there and how they’re coping in modern times. There are so many great adventures that I have waiting for me on this summer cruise and I can’t wait to explore them all. I’m opening myself up to great adventure and to the possibility of learning as much as I can about this intriguing part of the world. Stay tuned for my posts on the actual cruise as we explore these places together. Next week will be a post about specific culinary recipes that I’ve had on Kosherica’s Cruises and how I learned about different cultures simply by eating foods that I never had before. It’s really exciting when you get to try new spice combinations and food items that you’ve never tried before and you really get a sense of that particular place. I’m so excited to go on this journey with you.