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How Much Fruit is Healthy for You?

How Much Fruit is Healthy for You? 724 482 Sarity Gervais

Sarity Gervais

Sugar and its kin, sucrose, glucose, fructose, corn syrup, etc. get more infamous the more we find out. Scientists keep discovering that these bad boys wreak havoc in the body.

For this article we’ll stick to fructose alone. A source of controversy, fructose became the focus of widespread health concern. High fructose corn syrup heads the list of ingredients on the labels of most processed foods. Most Americans love processed foods. It follows that we are also one of the most obese people on the planet. We know fructose causes obesity, food addiction and inflammation. The more we consume, the more we want, a typical never-ending cycle.

Glucose also leads to an assortment of serious illnesses. Cancer cells, for one, thrive on sugar. All we learned about fructose earned it a seat of honor alongside the likes of tobacco, liquor and drugs. It’s clear to most cogent humans that white sugar is not great news for health. But fruit? Weren’t we always told that fruit and vegetables are the way to keep healthy? Yet natural fruit contains fructose. So does honey, juice, root vegetables and nectar. The body uses the glucose in these foods for energy. However, here is the difference: the fructose in them is not processed. The above foods also have other nutrients and fruit and veggies have those plus fiber. Pure fructose is absorbed within seconds, flooding the body. Hypo/hyperglycemic mood swings are immediate. Pure fructose causes sugar spikes and drops, hyperactivity and manic depression. One moment you’re on top of the world and the next you’re at rock bottom. Without fruits or vegetables, fructose hasn’t the natural high fiber to slow down absorption. A variety of these multi-colored natural wonders also fills the body with super nutrients. Heed: some fruits or veggies ferment in the bowels causing bloating. This is where personal responsibility comes in. Pay attention to the foods you eat. Notice how they make you feel. If something has adverse effects, say no.

There are many articles published by nutritionists with an agenda. They warn us against all sweet fruits, sweet potato and other root veggies. The people behind the anti-fruit scare forgot to consider some pertinent facts. Fructose encased in fruit fiber doesn’t have HFCS effects. It seeps energy in slow and steady bursts. Fruits detoxify, heal, restore and energize. The more colorful natural organic fruits and veggies are, the better.

They should make up a large percentage of a person’s diet. Add some healthy protein and you’ll be a ball of energy and health. More important still, listen to what your body’s inner wisdom tells you. If you feel good eating lots of organic fruit, do so by all means. If you wish to detox on a fruit fast or make fruits the staple of your diet and you feel like flying, you’ll know you are on the right track. Or you may just include a few servings each day instead of sugary desserts. Many studies demonstrate that fruit intake is connected to lowered risk of cardiovascular disease, stroke and type 2 diabetes.

Please know that we welcome your comments. We want to hear what you think and how you feel about fruit. A conversation would be a thing of beauty. Be the first to write…